Use of a celebrity's name and image

Agreement for the Use of Name or Image of a Celebrity

If you need more information on this service, please contact us
514 374-4303

You want to launch an advertising campaign using the name and image of a well-known personality to promote your products or simply associate a personality with a trademark? It is very common for companies to court personalities to lend their name and image; however, it is important to understand that this consent does not come at any price. That is why it is essential to be well-prepared when it comes time to conclude an agreement with the personality we want to represent our products.

The right to personality is a right granted to each individual in order to defend their personal interests and moral integrity. The holder of these rights wishes, when granting rights relating to their name or image, to benefit from this agreement or at least to legislate the conditions of this agreement.

The variety of contracts and agreements relating to personality rights is vast, but it is important to distinguish simple legal acts that incorporate these concepts from contracts directly related to the right to respect for private life and in particular to image.

Therefore, this type of contract defines the conditions under which a personality from the sports, artistic, gastronomic, or even scientific world authorizes the use of their name and image to promote the products or services of a legal entity. In addition to the conditions for the use of the name or image, it includes clauses relating to:

  • the duration of the contract;
  • the type of promotion to be carried out;
  • geographical scope.

Therefore, a contract for the use of a personality's image and name is an essential act in order to regulate the relationship between the parties and thus ensure the personality has control over the images and circumstances of the use of their name.

It is therefore important to consult a notary and legal advisor specialized in contract drafting because:

  • as a legal advisor, they ensure to avoid misunderstandings, abusive clauses, and interpretation difficulties;
  • they are specialists in drafting such contracts;
  • they must have liability insurance.

If you need more information on this service, please contact us
514 374-4303
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